Starcastle Logo Starcastle Hounds Silken Windhounds, Sweden   Silken Windhounds since 1998

This search engine is a work in progress. You can help!

Please let me know when you think this search engine is in error.

Also please tell me if you think a site pertaining to Silken Windhounds is missing in the results of this search engine



Nuna, Kristull Annunciata

Index :


Silken Windhound Search Engine

This search engine, powered by Google, is set up to search in Silken Windhound related sites only.
You will of course be limited to searches that is likely to be found on Silken Windhound sites.
Hopefully you will find what you are looking for faster since you will not get results from forums, directories , all breed sites etc.

If you find this search engine useful, you can add this gadget to your other Google gadgets, in iGoogle for example
Add to Google 
<-- if you have IE7 the button does not seem to show up, hoover to the left of this text and click


A little help on the way
  • The quality of search result require that the page and information you are looking for is indeed indexed by Google or else it will not be found.
  • Make sure your spelling is correct
  • You may have to try out different search terms.
    Quite honestly, the longer search term you use, the fewer results you seem to get. I am not sure, but it seems that this customed search engine want all of the words in your search to appear on the page, and will not make do with just some of them. This even without using "  " around your search term. So try to keep search terms short and succinct instead of long and very detailed.
  • If you have the Seoquake Seobar Google Parser (Google page results parser) enabled, you will not see the last lines of the search results and will not be able to go to next page. You have to disable the Seobar Google Parser in Seoquake Preferences - plugins, to see the entire result page.


Results page






Page updated February 19, 2008


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